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Posts by JASPER | |
30 posts | Showing posts 1-30 of 30 |
Miscellaneous > 'JENSEN HEALEY' The Movie...... (21 replies - 46139 views) Hi Everyone -
Sorry the film is taking so long to complete.... payed jobs seem to be getting in the way of this film project, but ... 01-16-2008 06:09 pm Miscellaneous > Mark Rosenbaum (19 replies - 31393 views) RIP Mark we will miss you. ... 07-24-2007 04:15 pm Miscellaneous > 'JENSEN HEALEY' The Movie...... (21 replies - 46139 views) It's an uphill battle - film editing - just time consuming -
But it's all coming together nicely and looks great so I'm happy -
I'm also ... 05-17-2006 02:51 pm Wheels > Panasport wheels (9 replies - 28485 views) They are the 7" ones -
Not sure of the offset - but Delta will only sell you ones that will actually fit !
They were $200 ... 04-27-2006 02:45 pm Wheels > Panasport wheels (9 replies - 28485 views) Thanx guys for the nice compliments regarding Jasper -
I thought I'd chime in and say that running my Panasports with 205x50x15 Yokos I have no ... 04-27-2006 03:49 am Miscellaneous > 'JENSEN HEALEY' The Movie...... (21 replies - 46139 views) The final sales price hasn't been established - nor have I figured out a deal where by the JHPS could profit from selling the DVD ... 03-29-2006 01:49 pm Miscellaneous > 'JENSEN HEALEY' The Movie...... (21 replies - 46139 views) The film / documentary is finishing up nicely - eta for completion is the end of April.
As soon as it is complete I expect ... 03-29-2006 02:20 am Miscellaneous > 'JENSEN HEALEY' The Movie...... (21 replies - 46139 views) Sorry for not posting any updates -
I recently completed the 'car' driving portion of the film and am happy to say it looks great -
My ... 01-06-2006 04:17 pm Miscellaneous > West Coast Nationals (4 replies - 11582 views) Thanx Greg
I agree a mid week event is crazy.....what were they thinking ...or perhaps not -
I had to work all week - and bill need ... 09-12-2005 06:05 pm Miscellaneous > West Coast Nationals (4 replies - 11582 views) Sadly I wasn't able to get to go to the nationals this year - and I had hoped to film the event and add some ... 09-12-2005 01:14 am Electrical & Instruments > No Brake lights... (4 replies - 12733 views) Thanx John
I forgot about your excellent wiring diagrams -
I'm sure they will help a lot
James ... 07-06-2005 01:32 am Electrical & Instruments > No Brake lights... (4 replies - 12733 views) Thanx Mark
Looks like I've got my work cut out for me !!
I'll let you know how I get on -
James ... 07-04-2005 11:41 pm Electrical & Instruments > No Brake lights... (4 replies - 12733 views) Still trouble shooting the rear brakes -
I have a dead circuit and can't find the cause - any help would be appreciated -
I have working ... 07-04-2005 03:30 pm Carburetors > Dellorto Troubles (27 replies - 72693 views) I second Brians advice -
My 40mm Dellortos used to spit and pop - I added the anti popping spacers from JAE and solved the problem ... 05-23-2005 03:52 pm Miscellaneous > 'JENSEN HEALEY' The Movie...... (21 replies - 46139 views) I will be in the UK filming Jensen Healeys between May 28th and June 11th.
I also will be attending the Jensen International Meet in Nottingham ... 05-05-2005 04:10 pm Miscellaneous > 'JENSEN HEALEY' The Movie...... (21 replies - 46139 views) Looks like I'm going to be in the UK for a family visit in June for about 10 days.
This will make for a excellent opportunity ... 04-29-2005 08:41 pm Miscellaneous > 'JENSEN HEALEY' The Movie...... (21 replies - 46139 views) Thanx Ron - I'm sure it will make for some very exciting viewing ! Which we will all enjoy watching - once edited into the ... 04-26-2005 02:06 pm Miscellaneous > 'JENSEN HEALEY' The Movie...... (21 replies - 46139 views) Thank you for you emails - and interest in being part of this filmed Jensen Healey production -
I'm interested in hearing from those of you ... 04-26-2005 01:06 am Wheels > JH Wheel upgrade (15 replies - 45467 views) 15" Panasports from Delta @ $200 each
Yokohama AVS tires 225x15x50 from www.tirerack.com @$80 each
Fabulous handling and traction aided by new KYB shocks, stiffer springs, ... 04-25-2005 07:35 pm Engine & Transmission > Help with removing 5 speed differential - please (9 replies - 20330 views) Well - Evan came to the rescue today with the right adapter and slide hammer -
two good pulls and out came the axle shafts -
easy ... 04-24-2005 02:07 am Engine & Transmission > Help with removing 5 speed differential - please (9 replies - 20330 views) How about a MAPP gas torch - not to cut just to really heat up the seized end (brake drum) end and then a big ... 04-23-2005 12:23 am Engine & Transmission > Help with removing 5 speed differential - please (9 replies - 20330 views) Thanx all -
I'll see if I can rent a slide hamer + adapter to get the job done -
The internal 5 speed rear end gears ... 04-22-2005 11:36 pm Engine & Transmission > Help with removing 5 speed differential - please (9 replies - 20330 views) Another view - everything is unbolted..........bloody things are in there pretty damn tight ! (said the actress to the bishop!) ... 04-22-2005 08:39 pm Engine & Transmission > Help with removing 5 speed differential - please (9 replies - 20330 views) Thanx mark - yes they do look like JH axle shafts -
mine is still connected looks like this -
still no luck pulling them out though ... 04-22-2005 08:38 pm Engine & Transmission > Help with removing 5 speed differential - please (9 replies - 20330 views) Hey guys and gals -
I'm tearing down a 5 speed rear end and need some advice on how to remove all the pinion gears from ... 04-22-2005 06:12 pm Miscellaneous > 'JENSEN HEALEY' The Movie...... (21 replies - 46139 views) When I say 'Movie' what I realy mean is DOCUMENTARY - I am in final pre-production on a film all about our beloved cars -
Filming ... 04-21-2005 12:01 am Engine & Transmission > Flywheel weight ? (23 replies - 44850 views) Well I finally found my lightened/balanced flywheel -
It weighs in at exactly 16lbs - 25% lighter than stock ! pretty cool !
Looks awsome !! You'll ... 04-02-2005 03:18 pm Engine & Transmission > Flywheel weight ? (23 replies - 44850 views) I had my Flywheel lightened and balanced by a proffesional machine shop in Los Angelas (San Fernando Valley) called 'The Balance Shop'
$80 to lighten ... 04-01-2005 01:47 am Engine & Transmission > Flywheel weight ? (23 replies - 44850 views) I was wondering if anyone knows the weight (exact if possible) of a stock Jensen Healey Flywheel ?
I have balanced and lightened flywheel and I'm ... 03-31-2005 05:01 pm Carburetors > Dellorto Installation (3 replies - 13352 views) I upgraded to 40mm Dellortos and John's web page was absolutely essential -
The whole process was so much easier with the photos and description of ... 03-22-2005 10:36 pm | |
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