
JHPS Summer Party 2002
What happened
at the JHPS Summer Party?
I for one had a great time. I'm sure somebody will write it up for The
Standard (that would be you Paul! Ed.) but here's an overview.
First, a huge THANK YOU to Garth and Kathy for graciously sharing their lovely
new home!
Julian brought a quadruple manometer and demonstrated how to use it to synchronize
Dellorto carbs. He made it look easy. Thanks Julian.
It started out like any JHPS soiree, a lot of standing around looking at cars,
hoods up, hoods down, interiors, exteriors, tops, wheels, tires, etc. The
weather was typical for Southern California this time of year, sunny and very
warm, ideal for convertibles. I think the final count was thirteen Jensen
Healeys in attendance.
Next, Garth pulls out a stack of maps and sends us out on a rally around LaHabra
Heights. LaHabra Heights is nestled in a bunch of wooded canyons on a big
hill that separates Orange and LA counties. The roads are steep, narrow and
very squiggly. We had a blast winding in and out of a lot of seriously pricey
neighborhoods while looking for landmarks and great views. At one point he
led us to an open (and very dusty) plateau at the top where we were treated
to a 360 degree view that included the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Ana, San
Gabriel and Santa Monica mountains. We then squiggled our way back down to
Garth and Kathy's and laughed about how lost we were.
Finally the coals were set ablaze and grillmeister Steve Pike (proprietor
of JH specialists Pike Automotive) cooked our dinners to perfection. We settled
in for an evening of good food and good company.
You should'a been there.
Paul Cartagena, Anahieim Hills

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