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Powder Coating and Bushing Integrity?  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: 01-09-2007 12:31 pm
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James Wilson

Joined: 11-01-2006
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Posts: 34
I intend to have the front sub-frame powder coated.

However the front mounts (part 91281, see attached photo) seem to be impossible to remove without destroying them.

Is there some trick to removing them? The steel sleeve through them doesn't want to move at all, and heating these sufficiently to allow their removal on all the other rubber bushes has destroyed them. They seem to be in good shape and useable.

Can they be left in while the frame is powder coating without causing the rubber to deteriorate?

The front coil spring seats (part 91315) are extortionately expensive ~ roughly $170 for two. Mine look pretty bedraggled and I'd like to replace them too. Are there alternatives (I noticed TR6s use a similar seat and wondered if it might fit/work); or maybe a more economical US supplier?

Attachment: frontmount1jhps.jpg (Downloaded 147 times)

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 Posted: 01-09-2007 02:47 pm
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Joined: 02-14-2006
Location: Bloomfield/Hebron, Connecticut USA
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With regards to the front coil spring seats James, I used new ones on #15851 from Delta Motorsport in Arizona (tel. 602 265 8026), which I'm sure are the same as those on a TR6. They're relatively inexpensive, fit and work well. As for the front mount bushings I would just replace them, again they're not expensive and it's got to be easier than trying to work around the old ones. Use a blow torch over the contact suraces should free up everything. Good luck, Colin



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 Posted: 01-09-2007 05:16 pm
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Judson Manning

Joined: 03-14-2005
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I think your number 1 problem is all that rust.  The photo I'm looking at shows a crossmember that needs (at a minimum) to be sand-blasted down to bare metal.  The bushing is not a press-fit, rather my guess is that it's corroded to the crossmember. 

It's hard to tell from the photo, but other parts of the assembly seem to be missing or in really bad shape.  Have you thought about replacing the assembly with one in better shape?  I buy used complete assemblies for $300 US, any sources on your side of the pond?

If funds are an issue, I find that a good quality paint will provide plenty of protection and that the powder-coat is more of a luxury solution.


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 Posted: 01-09-2007 05:21 pm
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James Wilson

Joined: 11-01-2006
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
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I'm glad to hear that the coil springs seats from a TR will work- they're 1/10 the cost of the J-H ones and I can even get poly ones.

The front mounts are solid -  I can't budge them and reckon the only solution was to blowtorch them as I had to do for almost all the other bushings. They're about £25 ~ $50 each... Oh well, so much for trying to be parsimonious....

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 Posted: 01-09-2007 05:39 pm
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James Wilson

Joined: 11-01-2006
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
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It is rusted, and I did intend to have it sand blasted. I've stripped everything else down and these are the only things left to remove. Once these are out I'll wire brush it and take a good look at its condition before I spend money on blasting and finishing it. I got it free so there's no great loss in binning it.

I could get another sub-frame easily enough and pretty cheaply. The only problem would be the rest of a car coming along with it, and it may not be in any better shape.

The plan was to rebuild this sub-frame and then mount my re-built engine and Eclat/Toyota transmission to it to then easily and quickly swap for the old/existing subframe/Engine/Transmission.

I may end up using the old sub-frame and not bothering with trying to go further with this one-  that would be the cheaper option but the car would be off the road and hanging on jack stands for far longer.

Its not a cost issue particularly, but of trying to minimizing the down-time. I just hated the idea of having to spend a lot on the spring seats when TR ones are so very much cheaper.

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 Posted: 01-10-2007 05:18 am
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Art DeKneef

Joined: 03-12-2005
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Make sure the front spring seats you get are the ones for the JH. When I went to get mine from Delta they were out. Jim subbed something that was listed through a cross reference that was suppose to work. They are too small. The part # MOS-661-660 is what I got. They are going back the next time I go to Delta.

Those front mounts were around $75.00 - $80.00 each from Delta if I remember correctly. With the bolts out or not tighten too tight, I can move them in place. It sounds like yours are really rusted in there and will take considerable heat and force to get them out.

When I did my front end, I blasted everthing, used a rust convertor to seal the parts, and then used two coats of rust primer to protect everything. Easy to do.

I have seen a couple of vehicles that have powder coated the chassis and have scratches that ripped through the powder coat and you can see rust there. One was a car and the other a truck.


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 Posted: 01-10-2007 07:03 pm
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Ron Earp

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http://www.coilsprings.com - I have bought many sets from them and they do great work. Get the length you want at whatever poundage you want, about $160 for pair.

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 Posted: 01-10-2007 07:31 pm
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James Wilson

Joined: 11-01-2006
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
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Do they sell the rubber cushions that mount on the tops of the springs? These are what I'm enquiring about, and they cost about £36 + 17.5% VAT  (~$80) each here.

 I've asked a Triumph vendor about the size of ones for a TR6 and now have the information that those are too small.

I've got a full set of the Superpro bushings to use, and I intend to get all new hardware.

I may pass on the powder-coating and paint it all instead. That would save a couple of weeks in waiting for the parts to be done, and £100-200.

I may also re-use the more expensive components from the existing car rather than rebuild it all- thinking particularly about the brakes/disks and hubs/bearings - they're in pretty good shape as far as can be told. Doing that would save about £200.

That would leave a little more money for the engine. And maybe some to keep the wife sweet, too....

I had the leaf springs for my Big Healey done and think that local company can re-work the J-H front and rear springs to yield a higher rate, and lower the rear ones too.


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 Posted: 01-10-2007 09:06 pm
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Ron Earp

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Cary, North Carolina USA
Posts: 339
My bad, I thought for some reason you were after springs.


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