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 Moderated by: Greg Fletcher
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Interesting Dashboard Traits Delivered by Lucas  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: 10-01-2014 05:13 am
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Rick Willard

Joined: 08-20-2005
Location: Broomfield, Colorado USA
Posts: 48
Tried to find this answer on the boards, but...couldn't match my electrical issues exactly. Here's the status and I will GLADLY accept any input, advice, and insights from the pros here on JHPS. I bought #15771 one week ago. It's an excellent specimen, but...

The electrical guages of the dash were dead, as was the electric fan and the back-up lights. I traced the problem to the middle fuse of the fusebox on the firewall, which needed replacement. I did so and the dash guages (volt, tach, fuel, and temp) all light up and seem to work just fine. So, too, does the fan motor and the back up lights, which are now functioning correctly. Those are the positive outcomes. However....

Also, I notice that the "Park Brake-Fail" light comes on and stays on when the key is on. No big deal - I can live with that and have witnessed it previously with past JH's that I've owned. However, the left blinker indicator (green light on the left side of the dash's gage cluster) has gone dead. The outside blinker lights work just fine, but this bulb went dead (strange, since I replaced this very bulb yesterday and it was working fine since then).

By the way, one other symptom.... I'm seeing the faded "Ignition" light indicator coming on when the car's electrics are under stress from the lights, fan motor, etc. In fact, the dash lights also seem to do some fading/flashing. I'm assuming we've got an alternator/charging issue with that, but not sure if THIS is related/affecting the other things I mentioned above.

Enough of my Lucas electrical babble. Does anyone have any obvious suggestions to help address the interior left indicator going bad after just being replaced?? Do you think that this has anything to do with the faded "IGNITION" light and/or the "PARK BRAKE FAIL" light? Again, all suggestions are welcome.

Thanks to all!


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 Posted: 10-01-2014 05:18 am
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Rick Willard

Joined: 08-20-2005
Location: Broomfield, Colorado USA
Posts: 48
Sorry for the double post of this topic. Greg...I tried to delete the second post, but no luck. Feel free to do some moderating/deleting on the unnecessary post. Sorry again!

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 Posted: 10-01-2014 01:02 pm
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Brett Gibson JH5 20497

Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Hilton, New York USA
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The JH alternator has a hard time of it if you run most of the stuff at once so seeing fade is probably correct, as for the dash turn signal light the important question is are you getting power to it or not, if not you need to follow the wiring back and clean up any and all connection, (this is a real biggy for our cars). Hopefully the problem wont be in the turn signal or the 4 way flasher switch which are part of the circuit.

As for the brake light, there is a switch on the hand brake under the car, sounds like it needs adjustment or replacing.


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 Posted: 10-01-2014 04:09 pm
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Rick Willard

Joined: 08-20-2005
Location: Broomfield, Colorado USA
Posts: 48

Thanks for taking some time this morning and providing some initial thoughts. Funny...the green indicator light on the dash for the left turn signal is once again working properly. Perhaps a replacement voltage stabilizer wouldn't hurt anything. I'll keep tracing wires and see if I can figure it out. Will do some homework on the brake light/hand brake (which is perfectly functional).

Thanks again!


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