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Delta 4 into 1 header and steering shaft again  Rate Topic 
 Posted: 06-06-2016 06:10 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: Little Chute, Wisconsin USA
Posts: 435
Question for those of you who have installed the Delta 4 into 1 exhaust manifold and had to shim up the drivers side engine mount to get the steering shaft to clear: how much room do you have between the top of the cam belt cover and the underside of the bonnet? I can't seem to get things adjusted right so that the belt cover isn't touching the bonnet.

Looking at the geometry of things, it almost appears that the problem is being caused by the passenger side engine mount being too thick. The problem spot with the steering shaft is where it passes the #4 cylinder pipe. If I could just shift the whole engine to the right about a quarter of an inch, I think it would solve pretty much everything. The mounts are the ones from the JHPS club store, replaced last spring. Is there such a thing as a thinner mount?

I know I can be a man and just take the cover off (makes a difference of about a half inch), but I had this working once before and I can't figure it out. Right now I have the mount shimmed up about 3/8 of an inch which is the bare minimum to get the shaft to clear.

Alternatively, what would be a "normal" clearance with the stock header and no shims?

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 Posted: 06-07-2016 08:21 pm
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Art DeKneef

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
I won't be much help since I'm not using the cam belt cover.

But what changed from when it worked before to now?

I also remember from the different stock cars I worked on that the shims were not all the same thickness. If memory serves me correctly, most were either 1/8 or 1/4. And I even think one car didn't have any.

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 Posted: 06-07-2016 08:29 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: Little Chute, Wisconsin USA
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Well, what changed was that the engine and transmission came out and went back in. The transmission mount and bracket are brand new (the old ones were toast) but the engine mounts are the ones I bought from the club store last year, so they've been in there before.

After doing some research, I'm taking a $30 flyer and placed an order for a different set of engine mounts (if they work, I'll have a new cross reference part for the list). They are actually for a Land Rover, with Beck Arnley part number 104-1762. The stud size is the same, but the rubber part seems to be quite a bit thinner than the ones from the club store (their measurement is about 1.4 inches, while the club store ones have to be close to 2 inches). I'm thinking that if I can start from a lower point on the right side, I can then shim back up to where I need to be).

Won't know till they get here, and I'm off to the Jensen East meet tomorrow, so I guess I'll just pull the cam belt cover back off for this trip. I'll know more next week.

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 Posted: 06-14-2016 05:19 am
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: Little Chute, Wisconsin USA
Posts: 435
I don't quite have news yet (got back from Jensen East yesterday, which was a fabulous time had by all) but I did receive the Land Rover engine mounts and tried a side by side compare with the ones from the club store still mounted in the car.

The new ones have a larger diameter, which I don't think is a bad thing, and do in fact appear to be a bit thinner in the rubber area (apparently the ones from the club store are not quite as thick as I thought, but definitely thicker and I'm only looking for about a quarter inch difference anyway). They also look and feel more substantial, if that's possible to determine just by examination. One thing I've noticed with the existing mounts is that the passenger side mount definitely sags a bit (keep in mind that it's really more horizontal than vertical) when everything's in place. Hard to explain but maybe I can get a picture.

I'll pull the passenger side mount out in the next day or two and see what the swap accomplishes.

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 Posted: 06-17-2016 09:14 pm
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Art DeKneef

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
While reading this about the passenger side sagging some, I seem to remember that on 2 cars the spacers were thicker than what was on the driver side. Accepting the mounts were equal thickness, maybe the factory used the spacers to adjust the clearance?

Do you have any spacers you could try? You wouldn't really lose any time loosening the mounts and sticking a spacer in there to see if that helps. Make sense?

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