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Fuel Tank Sending Unit Float Puzzle  Rate Topic 
 Posted: 01-05-2019 06:03 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 466
After completing bodywork and paint and getting everything reassembled and buttoned up I fired it up and the gas gauge showed about 1/4 tank, after fill up it still showed a 1/4 tank. The gas gauge worked before the repaint project so I figured it was the sending unit, I was right.

The hardest part was to get the gas level below the sending unit(but that's another story). When I pulled the sending unit I found the float was about 2/3 full of gas. The mystery was I could find no holes or cracks in the float. I even set it out in the sun hoping the heated gas would expand and reveal any micro leaks, no joy.

I finally just drilled a small hole to drain the gas and sealed the hole, problem fixed. I still haven't figured out how the gas got in there in the first place. I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this.

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 Posted: 01-05-2019 06:40 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
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yes; it was/is a common problem and the "hole" is right where the end of the metal holder/arm clasps onto the nylon. Anytime I removed one, I grind/smooth that sharp end to avoid this. (am surprised you found something to seal the nylon; did it make the float too heavy? Have plenty of good spares if that one doesn't work)

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 Posted: 01-05-2019 07:56 pm
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Location: Long Beach, California USA
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When I examined the float for leaks I did notice the depressions left by the wire attachment but the plastic, while depressed showed no signs of puncture and showed no signs of leakage while sitting on that end in the sun for several hours. So while that's the most likely place to leak I was unable to make it leak, anywhere. It's a mystery.

As far as sealing the hole, just a dab of 5min epoxy and it's good to go. When you ask "did it make the float to heavy?" the epoxy-no, the gas in the float-probably.

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 Posted: 01-07-2019 08:24 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 466
With the problem fixed(not solved)it leaves me wondering if it will return since I couldn't figure out how the gas got in in the first place. It could be a micro leak that I couldn't find, if so how long will it take to fill it again. The gas gauge worked until the float was 2/3 full, that's 44 years. The float has been sitting in gas for that long, I wonder if it's possible it absorbed enough gas over that time until it wouldn't float. It seems as though if it had happened fast there would be a noticeable problem with the float, a crack, hole, something.

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