
 Moderated by: Greg Fletcher  

Joined: 09-21-2006
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 114
Dear all

A tonneau top came with my car when I bought it from the last owner. It fits reasonably well, needs some small repairs but nothing major.

I don't take my Mk1 anywhere when it's too hot/wet (the car isn't the problem, it's me that gets sunburnt or wet) and I'm starting to think that it seems easier to leave it in 'tonneau' mode than with the soft or hard top on.

How do you find these things to use generally?

Flap around too much? Collect water, leaves etc?

There are also some velcro tabs on the sides where it sits on the top of the doors. But other than the spot where the soft top velcro also attachs, I can't see any sign of where these might feature, even if you wanted to do a retrofit.

Did these come out as an option, or are they an after market product?


Gary Martin JH 15371

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 98
Chris, the snap mounting posts on the dash and inside windshield post would tend to indicate the car was designed for a toneau cover. Most Brit convertables are. Not sure if the car came new with one in the trunk, or if it had to be ordered as an option. My experience with using it is they are fine as long as the weather is dry. Not so good if it is wet. They do flop around a bit if you only open the drivers side. I find it easier to open both sides and fold it behind the seats. Then you can quickly install it again when you arrive at your destination.  Gary


Joined: 09-21-2006
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 114
Hi Gary

I have been messing around with trying to figure out how to fit the velcro straps to the passenger door, what to do with the strap in the middle, etc.

A simple solution is always the best - folding the thing behind the seats works real well, I don't know why I didn't think of it before. A 'doh!' moment.

I like using the tonneau as it's much quicker than getting the main top down. The southern hemisphere summer is here so the JH is going to get a few good runs in the next few weeks.

All the best

Chris L

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