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 Moderated by: Greg Fletcher
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West Coast Nationals  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: 09-12-2005 01:14 am
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Joined: 03-13-2005
Location: Valencia, California USA
Posts: 30
Sadly I wasn't able to get to go to the nationals this year - and I had hoped to film the event and add some of the footage to my 'Jensen Healey' movie -

Just wondering if any of you out there went and did anyone possibly shoot some video footage I might be able to see/use.

There were 23 cars in total - not sure how many Jensen Healeys there were -

Bob Adams the organiser sent me 4 pics of the event - which can be found here.


cheers all.

James and 'Jasper' aka #18149

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 Posted: 09-12-2005 05:53 pm
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Greg Fletcher

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: Lake Nacimiento, California USA
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Friday afternoon I counted 20 Jensens- 13 Interceptors and 7 Jensen Healeys. Kudos to the organizers, I know it's a thankless and time consuming job to grind out an event like this, but I think all Jensen owners need to rethink the future of this event.

Are the glory days of the Jensen National Meet over? A Jensen National Meet in the past meant 50-80 cars and 100-140 people at the banquet dinner on the last night. I'd hardly call this a "National" meet- it was really more like a local club function as far attendance goes. I enjoyed talking to owners and seeing the cars of course, but I was greatly disheartened to see a turnout this low. Something needs to be done to fix this and I can tell you right now that planning a National Meet event in the middle of the week, as this one was done, is not going to help anything.

We only came for the afternoon on Friday, as I needed to work the other days, so I can't judge the overall event, just what I saw on Friday afternoon. I brought my video camera, but the "car show" was over (2pm) before I could even retrieve it from the car. Apparently, the show ended and there were no other events planned in the afternoon, just a dinner in the evening.

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 Posted: 09-12-2005 06:05 pm
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Joined: 03-13-2005
Location: Valencia, California USA
Posts: 30
Thanx Greg

I agree a mid week event is crazy.....what were they thinking ...or perhaps not -

I had to work all week - and bill need to be paid ...and I'm sure many other local owners would have attended a weekend function.

Sad really - oh well - there's always next year.
cheers - James

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 Posted: 09-13-2005 03:08 am
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Art DeKneef

Joined: 03-12-2005
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I would have attended but had a business conference in Redmond, WA the same weekend.

I agree a mid week event will be harder to attend than one scheduled for the weekend. Maybe a different time of the year?

Art DeKneef

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 Posted: 09-13-2005 04:01 pm
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Greg Fletcher

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: Lake Nacimiento, California USA
Posts: 430
We Jensen owners must address this sad state of affairs. I'm appalled and dismayed that the National Meet has come to this. In past National Meets, the most sucessful meets were normally started on a Thursday evening and progressed to Sunday morning. Saturday was always the big car show and tech sessions with an awards dinner in the evening. Logically, as you might imagine, Saturday always had the biggest numbers as folks that really wanted to come could at least make the event for a few hours, see all the cars, talk Jensen and often stay for dinner. The whole point of this should be to encourage as many Jensen enthusiasts as possible to attend, not exclude as many as possible. And yes, September is not a good month for a National Meet either, July always seems to work out better.

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