View single post by subwoofer
 Posted: 08-29-2010 03:26 pm
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Joined: 04-01-2008
Location: Sandefjord, Norway
Posts: 617
Typical faults on the vertical link?

Common sense suggests to me that the cause of the problem should be in or holding a rotating part. This is why I swapped front and rear tyres (tyres are directional). The car has probably been in storage for a long time before I got it, and I have not changed the tyres. Could it be that both tyres have an equal size flat spot, and that the two others haven't? The odds are too tall, I think.

At the recent EU-checkout (the Norwegian twist on the MOT), it was noted that the left front brake was uneven, wobbling between 50 and 150% of the other side, and this goes against a mass imbalance problem. The brake testers at the garage goes something like one revolution of the wheel every second or two.

I would imagine that if the caster angle was badly off (too steep), the wheel would wobble like the castering wheels on a shopping trolley, but I think it is fairly equal on both sides (count of threads on radius rods), and it doesn't make sense at the brake tester speeds.

I'm still stumped...
