View single post by StabnSteer
 Posted: 08-04-2010 02:21 pm
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Joined: 03-16-2005
Posts: 23
Thanks for the ideas!

I have been curious about the definition of "popping"...In my case, I'm talking about what sounds like backfiring through the carb during mostly steady-state driving. Is that what folks mean? Deceleration and acceleration are just fine - its only when you're on a flat surface and trying to maintain a single speed they make the popping noise from under the hood.

As one might expect from an overcarbureted engine, these 45's are like driving my old race cars...that is, they are on or off with almost no progression. However, when they are on, oh boy, do they ever pull! It does make it hard to cruise at 55 down the highway when you are pretty much having to either accelerate or decelerate - there's no giving it half-throttle and maintaining speed without the popping, and anyway, half throttle doesn't really do much.

And yes - my dad spent lots of money to get the carbs tuned...but I would admit, the tuner was an old racer who is ornery enough to likely have tuned them a bit more to the side of performance. I saw one jetting posted here on the site, but I believe it was for a Weber 40. Maybe I'll find someone who'd like to trade the 45's for Dellortos (hint, hint).  :)

(waiting for the August heat to dissipate)

Kansas City