View single post by timeforwalkies
 Posted: 05-03-2010 05:49 pm
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Joined: 05-24-2006
Posts: 81
On recommendation I opted for the Delta system.  What a mistake.  Huffacker Engineering did the install as part of a 2.2 upgrade.  It was a pain in the butt to install requiring many modifications.  The over the axle bend hits the axle on hard bumps, and there are several leaks.  Huffacker said they had to make several modification in order to fit it, and the rear hanger bracket was useless.  Of course the bracket they created looks like crap, but at least the tips clear the rear rubber bumper.  On top of that it is very loud, so loud you can not hear the radio even at cruise.   I am going to have this system replaced this week.