View single post by Boxedwino
 Posted: 04-14-2010 03:52 am
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Joined: 09-02-2009
Location: San Antonio, Texas USA
Posts: 5
OK, I have found my problem. There were a few.
    Olive washer not tight enough around the oil pickup tube.
    Over tightened the bolts on the oil pump housing to block tore the gasket. I replaced the gasket and tightened them to spec.
    Pump will not work without the distributor in place!!!! Dumb mistake, the 5th time I removed the oil pump to try to figure it out I checked the gears again. Glad I did, I had used too much gasket adhesive and it was gunking up the gears. But I realized that there was no seal between the gears and the top of the housing. It is sealed by the o-ring on the distributor.
Once these issues were fixed I put a drill and a home made pulley attachment on the the oil pump. I know I have plenty of pressure since it shot oil 7 feet across the shop from the oil pressure port on the side of the block. Glad I figured it out. Hope that helps anyone else out.