View single post by Tim Murphy
 Posted: 06-04-2005 07:43 am
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Tim Murphy

Joined: 03-22-2005
Location: Huntington Beach , California USA
Posts: 97

Update on Alternator and Installation

I sent the money for the New, made in India Lucas alternator via paypal and was emailed the next day that it had been shipped. It arrived about a week latter and was complete (with front pulley, fan, bearing, etc.) as pictured in the eBay BIN auction.

Installation went smoothly (well, as smooth as any JH repair can go) and everything fit. Started the car and everything was back to normal, i.e. ignition light goes out after a few seconds, voltage slowly climbs to 14 plus volts. Life is good.

Special Note: The Lucas alternator is wired differently then the JH wiring diagram which is for the original (on 73 cars) Delco alternator. The JH wiring diagram shows a 10 gauge black wire going to ground. To quote from the Jensen Service Bulletin Delta Motorsports finally sent me:

"NOTE: The 10G black ground wire may be taped or removed. DO NOT connect this wire to the alternator or severe damage will occur....Dealers should be aware that damage to alternators due to incorrect connection is not a warrantable item."

Nice too get that information 3 weeks after I received the engine wiring harness.