View single post by roverman
 Posted: 02-09-2009 01:39 am
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Joined: 11-07-2008
Posts: 85
Perhaps we could consider the "benefits"? of diversity?  Some believe this is one of many items that brought the US. to it's level. Many of us are free-thinking individuals who sometimes share common likes,dislikes, etc. I'm truly glad to know there are those in the club who will restore and maintain their JH., numbers matching, all correct in such a manner that they'll sleep better knowing when it's their time to part ways, they'll get maximum bucks. Fortunately, a very limited few, has a sellfish idea to build the car the way they want...resale bedarned! We the unfaithfull probably have no right to ask questions, survey,ponder, pass judgement etc. Is'nt it refreshing? roverman.