View single post by pc
 Posted: 02-05-2009 05:56 am
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Joined: 03-16-2005
Posts: 58
I don't know about the smoke, but watch out for Strombergs that haven't been touched in a while.

Reach up underneath the float bowls and see if you feel and/or smell wet gas.

There are plugs in the bottoms of the bowls.  They're made of plastic with a brass cap and a rubber o-ring.  They aren't screwed in, they're just pushed in and held by the o-rings and little plastic tabs.

Being constantly exposed to fuel and not having any sort of compression seat, they eventually deform and start to leak.  Gas leaking directly over your distributor and starter is a bad thing.

The plugs and o-rings (or at least the o-rings) should be replaced regularly. (Or, the Stroms should be replaced permanently.)
