View single post by subwoofer
 Posted: 04-28-2008 07:26 pm
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Joined: 04-01-2008
Location: Sandefjord, Norway
Posts: 617
Reviving an old thread:

I think this just happened to me. Now, I don't get spark at all, it seems, the timing light has only given me a single flash or two.

Attempting to adjust the ignition timing for the first time, the distributor jumped loose, and I tried to put it back in. There is a gap of 0.5 to 1mm between the clamp plate and the base of the distributor, this seems to be as far as I can get it. It should be completely flush?

I am just in the beginning of understanding the concept of Lucas darkness, according to a colleague of mine, there is no other darkness quite as dark. I will win in the end, but I am getting the sense that I have lots to learn...