View single post by discogodfather
 Posted: 10-07-2007 02:18 am
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Joined: 09-17-2007
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 221
Hello all,

I am rebuilding a 907 engine from an Elcat and have gleened the forums for all the helpful modifications:

1) Restricted flow to the head
2) Hinged baffel
3) Pan mods

Main question is: Would setting up a 907 to be a dry sump aid in some of the 907 oiling issues?  What would the mods have to be?  Is it as simple as running an extra pump and drawing 15inches or so of vacuum, getting an external tank, modding the oil pan to hold less oil, etc?  Or is this a job for a fluid dynamics engineer with a masters degree (i.e. oiling jetting needed internally, major mods to the oiling system design?)

In my research into the Lotus engine familes I noticed that, starting with the 912 (turbo) Lotus went to a dry sump in 1980?  I am wondering how they did this, what the changes are compared to the 907-911 engines, etc. 

Did Lotus use a belt driven pump?  How much vacuum did they run?

As we all know, Jegs, Summit, Pegasus, etc. all sell belt driven pumps for running vacuum.