View single post by Tim Murphy
 Posted: 05-14-2005 07:26 am
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Tim Murphy

Joined: 03-22-2005
Location: Huntington Beach , California USA
Posts: 97

At sometime, someone must has tested different oils in the Stromberg carb dampers, either by timing or seat of the pants timing 0 to 60 acceleration.

So, if one ran three test: 20-50 weight oil, 10-30 weight oil, and a thin liquid (like a gas additive), which would give the best 0 to 60 mph time?

I am running 20-50 weight oil and feel my engine is starved for air when the pedal hits the metal.

And yes, I know the purpose of the dampers is to enrich the air/fuel mixture. But if you look at a power chart, a too rich mixture will cause a lose of power.

Also, would a less strong spring help the engine breath better and increase power?