View single post by pbahr
 Posted: 07-20-2007 03:49 am
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Joined: 04-15-2005
Location: Phoenixville, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 202

Sure, the 5spd pattern is about 4 inches away from the 4spd bolts.  I did this three years ago, and just added bolts in the correct positon - was not a real problem.  Ron seems to have an easier solution than drilling new holes...........

Don't forget the other issues:
  1. New Speedo/Odometer cable.
  2. Add the rubber isolator, Jensen p/n 97582, Insulator - gearshift mounting.  You'll have to drill a hole in the Tunnel and bend sheet metal a bit.
  3. Single piece Driveshaft.
  4. Correct ratio Differential.
  5. Check the complete Shifter mechanism for slop.  There should be NO slop.  If there is, you will be very sorry when you start shifting, and miss a few gears...........