View single post by j23mau
 Posted: 05-09-2007 01:43 pm
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Joined: 03-13-2005
Location: Monmouth, Illinois USA
Posts: 33
While driving my JH last night cruising at 80 mph, the engine seemed to stumble for a split second and then catch right back again.  It would do this every 1/4 to 1/2 miles.  The oil pressure stayed at roughly 55 pounds, the tach stayed put.

It doesn't happen any other time while driving except when cruising between 70 and 80 mph.  If I constantly accelerate, it doesn't happen.

Any help or insight would be appreciated. 

I have retuned the carbs, and changed the plugs and wires.  Could it be a fowled plug? or something more serious?