I'm not an SCCA guy, but it really seems very strange to me that they will not allow a strictly SAFETY item like a HOOP. Same comment for stronger Driveshaft.
Neither change will give you any speed/handling advantage during a race, so what's the gripe?
- You wrote on 2/18/07 about the broken parts: "...driveshafts that mate a five speed to a four speed rear end must be fabricated for the job since that wasn't a factory part or combination. I imagine this one was just not up to the job." So this was not a stock Driveshaft.
- And on 3/23/07 "The driveshaft I'm going to have made and plan to have a high dollar/strong drive shaft made too - don't want to see anything like that again. You are proposing a modified Driveshaft.
So, do they allow mods or not? I'm a bit confused here.......
Guess there are lots of reasons that I'm not in the SCCA, but on top of the list is stupid rules.
Safety first !