View single post by Joel
 Posted: 04-18-2007 06:43 pm
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Joined: 07-01-2005
Location: San Diego, USA
Posts: 184
I still need to take pics and post them. 

I like noise too.  So, I took a sawzall and expanded the door holes just a tiny bit.  That's all that's necessary to be able to fit a real speaker into the door.  It took about 10 minutes to do the metal cutting.  And it really was a tiny bit of cutting.  So now, I have really nice Infinity speakers.  These speakers have a separate tweeter - that fits quite nicely in the door just above the main speaker.  Once you have the panel off the door you'll see a rectangular hole in the door that fits the little 1" speaker quite nicely. 

And the crossover for these two speakers is velcro-ed to the bottom of the inside of the door. 

It's quite clean.

For the rear speakers I didn't want to cut holes in the deck.  And I especially didn't want the back of the speaker exposed on the underside of the car!  So, i bought 'wakeboard speakers' and mounted them very low on my rollbar.  The rear speakers are not quite the quality of the front ones - the wakeboard mounts were not cheap - but they sound really good. 

It doesn't have the power of a woofer but it's plenty loud.  I think that at 85mph you'd have a hard time hearing even your woofer. . . ..

I should post my pics one of these days.