View single post by jensnhealy
 Posted: 03-04-2007 10:33 pm
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Joined: 03-18-2005
Posts: 3
I hesitate to weigh in because it has been so long and I don't recall who gave me the advice. When I was ready to start up a rebuilt 907 years back, I wanted to have oil pressure before I tried to fire it, so I spun it with the ignition deactivated and couldn't get any oil pressure reading at all. Very disconcerting. Tried a bunch of things. Nothing.

Eventually, someone on either this list or the Lotus list advised the pump probably wasn't priming and to pack the inside of the oil pump with white grease (which would create a vacuum and prime the pump). Somewhat skeptically tried it and got immediate oil pressure. 10 years later the pressure was still good, so I have to say it worked like a champ.

Just someting to keep in mind if your pressure doesn't come up as it should.
