View single post by Judson Manning
 Posted: 02-07-2007 03:14 am
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Judson Manning

Joined: 03-14-2005
Location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Posts: 406

There was a lot about the early 907 variant's oiling system that wasn't desirable, and revisions were made all the way to 1995.  If your engine takes more than about 5-10sec to build pressure, chances are the pump rotors are worn.  If you have a VERY early engine, it may never have gotten the air-bleed hole added to the accessory housing.

The anti-drain-back valve is a feature found on Lotus and a few after-market supplied oil filters.  That filter and the air bleed hole added to the accessory housing in 1974 was a HUGE improvement to the MkI engines. 

The 'defect' if you want to call it that, is the pump being mounted 12" above the pick-up.  The first Esprit Turbo (or is that Turbo Esprit???) was supplied with a factory dry-sump set-up to eliminate the priming issue.  As the oiling system evolved in the later 910 variants, Lotus dropped the dry-sump.

Racers are a great believer in the Accusump when the rules don't allow a dry-sump set-up.  On the JH, the Accusump gives the added benefit of pre-oiling the engine while the pump primes.  For more info:
