View single post by Greg Fletcher
 Posted: 11-09-2006 09:42 pm
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Greg Fletcher

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: Lake Nacimiento, California USA
Posts: 430
A business of any kind operates on economy of scale and there isn't much demand for a 7 pound aluminum flywheel on the 907 engine regardless of cost. I have no idea, but I sort of doubt that Dave Bean stopped selling Fidanza because they made so much money on them. Buying 10 flywheels for thousands of dollars and sitting on stock for 7-8 years to sell them all isn't a great use of capital for the hilariously low profit on these parts. The lightened flywheels I've been selling are made a few at a time, the company that makes them ships them to me and I pay for them when I sell them. At least they are excellent quality, available, and it is a bit less than the $1,200 "custom flywheel" you mentioned.