View single post by Sylva
 Posted: 09-22-2006 01:50 am
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Joined: 09-14-2006
Location: Malaysia
Posts: 54
Dear Judson

Linners wee supplied by Gary Kemp to fit the block.

Re failers, I run a Sylva Phoenix with an all up weight of 600kg wet, (you can see pictures on the web) car was built aound my Lotus Sunbeam, using all the running gea except the from uprights. The oiginal car was used in some of the European Events as a support car fo Heni Tovinan when he won the world rally chamionship. So it had some funny things, e.g work head, but not the dry sump, woks fuel pumps, all the add on bits were as the wok car so it cold be stipped, but the sealed bit wen't.

Any way this all went into the Phoenix, then I moved to Kuala Lumpur, and we have a vey high speed race track (Sepang F1) with two 1 km streights.

In the light body the head just pulls all sotrs of revs. and throught the gears will out eev the block, the 911 block let go with Oil starvation to the mains. So I sourced a new block, spec is

Light Flywheel (two plate clutch), S4 block, fully dowelled, S4 cross dilled crank, CE Pistons, HTD timing gear, (manual tension), Cams from Garry, S300 Esprit Valves, long cam followers, Top hat cam shims, Special valve Springs, resticed oil to head, Oil returns opened up, oil pump clearence educed. and of couse balance oil cooler, electic water pump ttc, In other words the 'works'.

Now as you know Lotus are owned by a Malaysian Company, and I meet several of the old gus from the days when the Espits aced in the US. The advised fo high revs that I use these plate. but unfotunatly it appears the dawings were left in the USA 10 yeas ago and thee are no copies in Nofolk.

Living in Asia, I am able to get things made vey cheaply, to a high standad, people still have lathes and miling machins and will make one offs. I don't know if it is the same in the USA, but in Euope eveyone wants to make a 100 on a CNC.

So basically I'm tying to souce the info, if it looks do-able, I'll look at it ove the closed winte season.

I can see 9,000 pm vey easily on my engine, but basicaaly what I'm looking fo is reliabilty fo a full season rather than all out power,  can rouvh 170 Mph on the streights so bhp is not an issue, (I know I can push less with my right foot for reliability, but I'm easily tempted).

Hope this answers your question, thanks for the interst, I joined this club because this is the best site, I've seen on the engine, and I've bought things from Greg so I hope you don't mind some one who dosen't have a JH
