View single post by Greg Fletcher
 Posted: 04-10-2006 06:08 am
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Greg Fletcher

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: Lake Nacimiento, California USA
Posts: 430
ACL bearings are what we sell in the club store, you can read the description there. They are actually better quality than the original Vandervells, which are almost all gone and will not be coming back. Keep in mind, you wouldn't be able to find these easily either, ACL in Tasmania considers these obsolete and only does one small run per year on a world-wide basis which get snatched up by resllers (I've heard that some Lotus dealers are selling these as well for the early engines). A special run (for drilled and cross drilled cranks) is quite costly and it's not clear at the moment that there is enough interest to support that. We have a pretty good stash for the immediate future for the non-cross drilled cranks.

If the engine is put together properly and you don't abuse it, your engine will be fine. As mentioned before, a moderately higher output engine will normally live a shorter life, but not by a large margin, all things considered. The detuned, Federal engines have an annoying habit of loosing piston ring tension after years of sitting around.