Thank you both very much John & Tim for your very thorough replies. When I initialy got the car running, I did so with the plugs gapped at 0.025". On reading John Kimbrough's article on installing his Petronix system I regapped them to .035". After this the car ran about the same. She's not fully roadworthy yet so this was based solely upon how she sounded statically.
My assumption has been that power for the spark was not being generated, or being generated irratically and not that the spark circuit was incomplete. Wrong! I pulled the new plugs last night. They were carboned up (too rich a mixture I hope, as the carbs have yet to be set, or balanced). I replaced a plug at a time and cranked the engine, better. Replaced another, better still. I replaced all four plugs and she's now runnin' fine. I'm hoping that the larger gap combined with a nice coating of carbon was the root cause of the problem, that just so happened to coincide with changing the timing belt. We have a word for this in English, coincidence! This one sent me on a fools errand for many hours! I'll road test after setting & balancing the carbs and if she exhibits the lack of spark that John Kimborough experienced, I'll trying gapping the plugs to 0.035"- 0.045". Fingers crossed. Thanks again gentlemen.