View single post by Ron Earp
 Posted: 04-03-2005 01:29 pm
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Ron Earp

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Cary, North Carolina USA
Posts: 339
I've made a few of those improvements you mention.  Spoiler has been attached to help out with airflow, and of course the radiator gaps have all been plugged to make sure the air goes through it.  I'm using a fantastic electric fan with full shroud that will move 2400 cfm of air.  Although I cannot enlarge the radiator opening, the radiator is taller than this opening to catch additional airflow on the bottom of the car, and of course get more water in the system.

My headers are competely wrapped, and while I know header wrap always brings up a contraversy for various reasons 1) longetivity 2) effectiveness etc, it makes sense for me to keep the heat out of the engine bay and offer me some insulation between the header and floor board. Those things are right beside the footwell!

Airflow over the radiator is so very important. Two weeks ago I was racing our rental Z car in a 1:15 race. The race start had a delay and I had to sit on the grid for about 10 minutes idling.  In 55F weather the car coolant temp gets to 236F, just idling (I would have loved to shutdown but the carbs are not friendly to warm re-starts).  The car has a good electric fan, but the fan setup stinks and has no shroud so it is very ineffective at pulling air.  Once the pace lap started the car was down to 170F within about 1.5 minutes - airflow over the radiator takes care of business.  And throughout the entire race at WOT temp is 170F.  Clearly this weekend I spent a couple of hours and put two shrouded e-fans on the car so we don't see that problem again!!!!!

Last edited on 04-03-2005 01:32 pm by Ron Earp