View single post by vnavaret
 Posted: 01-17-2025 07:10 pm
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Joined: 04-07-2022
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 78
Offline wrote: I don’t have concrete measurement, but I was a little surprised how easily it was to undo the head nuts. The cam carrier bolts seemed tighter! The head and block look ok to you? Might the failure potentially cause an issue with the liners?
The liners are iron, so if the aluminum block edges look OK, then the liners are OK as well. The iron is much tougher than the aluminum.
If the head nuts were easier to undo than the cam carrier nuts were, it was indeed an assembly error, with the head being under torqued. Save that gasket and take it back to the engine builder. Whoever it was, they screwed the pooch if the engine blew a head gasket after three hours.
