View single post by madmicmad
 Posted: 12-26-2024 02:53 am
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Joined: 07-06-2024
Location: Hollister, California USA
Posts: 4
Came across an interesting bit of Lucas trivia while reading the FAQ's on the site titled "9 or 14 strand cables?". The two 14 strand codes C and SC listed on the schematic might correspond to C 14-010 and SC 14-012, implying a typo. Also, contrary to Jim DeClerck's post above, I believe the second number listed is the conductor diameter, but it's imperial units not millimeters, which jives with .25mm and .30mm listed on the autosparks site.

Autosparks FAQ: "We have been questioned in the past as to why we use 9 strand cable when it was never used originally. This was because in the old days Lucas manufactured two sizes of 14 strand cable. 14/0.10 (14/0.25mm) and 14/0.12 cable. (14/0.30mm). As all of the larger sizes of cables had a strand size of 0.12 (0.30mm), Lucas rationalised their manufacturing and replaced the odd 14/0.10 cable with 9/0.12 (9/0.30mm) giving an equal carrying capacity." BTW... I think the autosparks site has a decimal error... s/b 14/.010 and 14/.012.

Last edited on 12-26-2024 02:57 am by madmicmad