View single post by vnavaret
 Posted: 12-15-2024 02:14 am
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Joined: 04-07-2022
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 74
noomg wrote: Vance,

Interesting but the speedo is kilometers and doesn't have a trip meter. Is that what you went with?

Not running until summer, I'm guessing you've got a lot of irons in the fire.

They have so many gauges listed, in so many styles I simply posted the first set I found. They offer Smiths repop MPH speedos as well, but without trip meters. They may have some styles that offer that feature, but they have over 900 products so I did not look very hard. They offer repops for Royal Enfields, BSA, etc. Crazy.

Here is the eBay store: Spare Parts 1990. Honestly, their stuff is so inexpensive I think most people would think it is a scam, especially since it all ships from outside the US (India).

I kept my original speedo and tach, they were in decent shape and cleaned up nicely.


Last edited on 12-15-2024 02:15 am by vnavaret