View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 12-15-2024 12:19 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
To further add to the confusion. I replaced the stock distributor and coil with the Pertronix Flamethrower II coil and electronic distributor several years ago. As expected, the tach didn't work. The needle bounced all over the place and never was steady. As I wasn't too bothered by it as I was going to fix it. Well, that didn't happen.

I just drove the car and enjoyed it. Early this year, all of a sudden, the tach started working. But now the speedo started to bounce around. What! That doesn't make any sense. There is nothing connected between them. I removed and cleaned the speedo cable but that didn't help. Maybe one of these days I'll try swapping in a different speedo from spares and see if that fixes it.

If not, why worry? Nobody drives the speed limit now a days.
