View single post by vnavaret
 Posted: 12-13-2024 11:30 pm
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Joined: 04-07-2022
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 74
noomg wrote: Vance,

That's a deal that's hard to pass up and they look pretty close to original but that's an awful lot of gauges for only forty dollars. Definitely worth a shot though.

What about your Tach and Speedo?

I have just finished installing them in my binnacle. I have tested the voltmeter and it seems to work well.

Surprisingly, the original Tach and Speedo were in good shape, but there are repops available for those too. I repainted the original bezels, and wire brushed the outsides, they seem to be good to go. Will let you know when the car is running. At the rate I am going, it will be next summer before I have everything running.

The photo of speedo and tach repops is attached. They are also very inexpensive.


Attachment: Speedo.jpg (Downloaded 22 times)