View single post by vnavaret
 Posted: 12-12-2024 05:22 pm
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Joined: 04-07-2022
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 74
noomg wrote: I'm curious as to the reason for the swap I could see it if the gauges were full sweep but it looks like you're swapping one set for another almost identical set.
My original gauges are scrap. They are rusted internally, and the paint is peeling off the faces - obviously the car sat out in the rain for an extended period.

Restoring my gauges runs $100-200 each, depending on condition, and new gauges are $100 each. I could go for used gauges which seem to go for about $40 each, and hope they are not abused, or I could buy this set of four repops for $40 including shipping.

So for the price of one used gauge I can get four new gauges. Yeah, I have options, but new gauges for $40, well. I could not pass it up. Even if they are junk, I can always go used without feeling too bad.
