View single post by JH12947
 Posted: 12-05-2024 08:08 pm
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Joined: 07-14-2022
Location: Penticton, British Columbia Canada
Posts: 56
I am installing a oil pressure switch to the circuit that runs my fuel pump, with the idea that when there is insufficient oil pressure (<9psi) power will be interrupted to the pump. I have this set-up on another car and it works well, shutting the pump off immediately when I turn off the engine.

On the JH however, when I shut the engine off, the oil pressure takes a long time to fall and the pump stays on. I haven't let it run long enough to see how long it would actually take to shut off. (The car is wired with an aftermarket harness and the pump circuit is energized in the "run" position).

Curious as to what others may have noticed about the time for oil pressure to be gone when the car is shut off.

I found threads discussing the oil pressure relief and am wondering if in addition to help building pressure, this may play a role in allow the pressure to fall and if something may be wrong there.
