View single post by noomg
 Posted: 08-15-2024 02:53 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 449
Interesting conversation, it seems like it would be easier to build a race car than a road car. The race car only has to maintain a high RPM to go as fast as possible while being driven by someone who knows what they're doing.

The road car on the other hand serves many masters. It has to perform well whole through the RPM range mainly low to medium but occasionally high RPM as well. It has to idle smoothly and not overheat in traffic. Plus the ride has to be comfortable and handle rough roads as well as smooth roads. In other words it has to meet a wide range of compromises that the race car does not. Plus the car has to be designed to be relatively easy to maintain and go long intervals between maintenance stops. And on top of all that it has to be designed to be easily driven by people who aren't very good drivers.

So when you're struggling with something like removing the header keep in mind they didn't design it to piss you off a lot of other considerations went into the design.