View single post by JH12947
 Posted: 08-11-2024 02:38 am
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Joined: 07-14-2022
Location: Penticton, British Columbia Canada
Posts: 52
An old thread, but a common issue it seems. If anyone has further tips on getting the 4-1 header out of its confines I'd love to have them. So far, I've:
    Removed all the header bolts
    Removed the steering shaft
    Removed the left engine mount so I can raise/lower the engine as I want
    disconnected the header from the rest of the exhaust

There simply does not seem to be room to pull it from the bottom no matter how I wiggle it. Some people have said to raise the engine. This would seem to increase the space above the header. Can it be removed out the top?

Next attempt may be to remove some of the suspension, or the entire subframe, but I'd rather not.
