View single post by vnavaret
 Posted: 07-21-2024 01:53 am
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Joined: 04-07-2022
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 48

I pulled the trigger on some replacement sun visors. I decided I did not want to pay $110 each plus shipping for visors, so I opted for a set of MG midget visors at $35 each. The are smaller, but fit the hardware just fine.

I attached a photo for your amusement. I know this inspires fear and loathing in some of you who want original or nothing, but I am past that with this car. It will look good when I am done and everything will work properly - that is what I am aiming for.


Attachment: Visors.jpg (Downloaded 22 times)

Last edited on 07-21-2024 01:54 am by vnavaret