View single post by vnavaret
 Posted: 06-30-2024 07:19 pm
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Joined: 04-07-2022
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 48
After some searching on the web, I found some guidance on the wiring of the JH in a very unlikely place,

There are very detailed high-res photos of the restoration of a JH. A couple of them actually, located here:  JH Resto.

The pictures are super sharp, and lo and behold show electrical connections in good detail. I have printed out several of the photos to aid in positioning the wiring harness and a couple of the more mysterious connections.

This site has restos on several different cars, but if you explore all of the pages with photos, you will see how Mr. McPheat (the poster's name) did a lot of stuff. It is fun just to see the various cars he has restored.

I am sure that this link will expire some day, as have many of the links on this site, so if any of the photos are of use, you should copy them. When you down load them, you are offered a choice of the resolution you want, I always took the highest resolution.

I have attached one of the photos to show you what I mean. This is one of the lowest resolutions offered.


Attachment: 49830751233_19649429f8_w.jpg (Downloaded 16 times)

Last edited on 06-30-2024 07:21 pm by vnavaret