View single post by noomg
 Posted: 06-26-2024 02:51 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 448

Yes the seventies was truly "The Golden Age of Shoddy Workmanship", you need look no further than the last MGBs.

Getting back to your original question there are three electrical schematic wiring diagrams that I know of. Delta sells two, late '74 and early '73 model diagrams and one ('74 models) that came with the Owners Manual, I'd recommend getting all three. The two '74 W/Ds show the seat belt interlock control box, I'd guess the '73s didn't have them. The Owners Manual W/D version is easiest to follow when tracking what runs to the control box. When I installed my new wiring harness I cross referenced all three and they were all helpful.

Your thread got me thinking when I got the car while it was beat up inside and out mechanically everything worked fine and there was no modification to the control box (jumper) but after I replaced the W/H it was necessary to jump the terminals. I don't know why this was but as far as I can tell all the PO did was cut the seat switches. Maybe that's all you'll need to do.