View single post by fenflame
 Posted: 06-23-2024 12:43 pm
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Joined: 06-21-2023
Posts: 3
I just bought a distributor from MR in the UK for a Stromberg equipped 1973 JH.
What arrived had me very confused, it is the correct fitment with the oil seal, even the mechanical advance is somewhat correct, however it has a vacuum advance capsule thats mounted on the opposite side of the body to a 41497. The direction arrow on the body is the opposite to the 41497 as well, though that aspect has always confused me because the 41497 shows the direction opposite to what the real direction is.
The part from MR is def a 25D4 that has been rebuilt, but who knows what model they started with, but it def looks like it wasn't a JH original part.

The vacuum advance adds around 5 deg of advance. No JH has had vacuum advance that I'm aware of. Not sure if to just disable the vacuum and call it a day given the mechanical advance is close enough. Rebuilding the original41497 is a possible option, but its in a pretty bad mess and was previously rebuilt by the PO and someone had put the wrong vac capsule in, so that one has vacuum advance as well, though extremely rough with lots of binding on the base plate. How is it even possible I end up with two dists with vacuum advance :)

Cheers, Alan. 

Last edited on 06-23-2024 12:47 pm by fenflame