View single post by JH12947
 Posted: 05-30-2024 01:16 am
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Joined: 07-14-2022
Location: Penticton, British Columbia Canada
Posts: 52
redracer wrote:
To JH12947: the adjustment is fairly easy although the screw may be somewhat "STIFF".
1) remove the long 1/4" bolt that holds the brake pressure differential switch(the aluminum piece about 10" in front of the MC) from the fender.
2)remove the 2 9/16" nuts that hold the MC to the booster
3) there should be enough "SLACK" in the MC and its brake lines to remove the MC from the booster to get at the adjustment screw
if you view my profile, you can get in touch by email, phone, or SKYPE
good luck, bruce/RedRacer

Thanks - I've shimmed the MC and no issues so far so I'll fix it correctly once I've put some more miles on it.