View single post by noomg
 Posted: 05-26-2024 03:57 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 448

Wow! I'm not sure what you've got going on there. It's obviously not an original fusebox or for that matter the connectors and wiring. I've no idea what your PO was thinking when he cobbled this together, fuses are suppose to isolate systems not combine them. Is that black thing in #4 spot a fuse of some kind or a solid link between the poles?

You need to find out what's going on with this box. First thing I'd do is pull that jumper wire thing and see if it has any effect on the car. Right now your W/D is worthless so I'd disconnect the battery, unscrew the fusebox and see if you can pull it out far enough so you can see what those non-stock wires are connected to, at some point they've got to be connected to the original W/H. This is the point where your W/D will come into play, you should be able to see what they're connected to and what purpose they serve. It might also give some insight as to what the PO was thinking when he did this.

I know the thread started as a turn signal problem but getting this wiring squared away takes priority over that and who knows once the wiring is correctly done it may also solve the original problems.