View single post by vnavaret
 Posted: 05-15-2024 03:44 pm
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Joined: 04-07-2022
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 48
I believe that whether or not you are a fan of the Grosse Jet valves, depends on the state of your fuel system in general, your experiences with them, and perhaps your luck with fuel purchases.

Having experienced a sticking Grosse Jet valve personally, I can say that they can and do stick. Whether or not your particular installation has issues depends on the cleanliness of your fuel system, your fuel filter, and perhaps the manufacturing tolerances of your particular valves. Contaminated fuel may have something to do with it, depending on the specs on your fuel filter too. Finer filtration may be key in keeping them working well.

If you have not experienced sticking, then the Grosse Jets are a screaming deal, and of course you will have positive feelings about them. If you had issues, then they are from the devil himself.

The old joke "What is the definition of a conservative? A liberal who has been mugged." has some bearing here. You love Grosse Jets until they take a dump, then you hate them. That describes my experience precisely.
