View single post by dlg
 Posted: 05-13-2024 10:02 pm
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Joined: 07-09-2005
Location: Boca Raton, Florida USA
Posts: 11
noomg -
It may be coincidental but this problem has existed since I installed the Grosse valves (I've had the car since 1980 and the Grosse valves are a recent change from the last carb overhaul). I've read other posts that indicate that maybe only the fiber washer is to be used, but given that they don't normally leak (i.e., when starting/idling) and both carbs had both fiber and metal washers installed it's likely not the problem (rear carb does not have any issues). The old needle valves (oem type) had only the metal washers. I'm going to switch back as soon as I can get the old-style valves -- have to take the carbs off again anyway so that seems the best next step. IF I have the same vent leak after installing the oem style needle valves then I'm going to need a new theory!