View single post by dlg
 Posted: 05-08-2024 04:30 pm
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Joined: 07-09-2005
Location: Boca Raton, Florida USA
Posts: 11
I've read all the existing posts regarding fuel leaks from the vent hole on the face of the Stromberg carbs but mine is still a mystery. I can start the car and run it for some time at idle, but after reving up to about 3k rpm and allowing to quickly return to idle the front carb occasionally gushes fuel from the vent hole at 10 o-clock on the face of the carb (and then the car sputters and dies, while I'm leaping for the ignition to shut it off). I've taken the carbs off the car twice now to check the float height (fine) and the Grosse valves (TR6 from Moss, clean and apparently working). I would assume that the increased flow of fuel at the higher rpm has something to do with it and maybe the ball valve is not fully closing as the fuel is rushing in to keep the bowl filled. I immediately shut the engine off to avoid a bad situation getting worse, clean it up and then once again turn on the ignition to start the fuel pump and no leak and after waiting a bit I can start the car again and it will idle fine with no leaks. Just FYI -- I have the standard ticking SU fuel pump (purchased thru the club store years ago) and a recently Renu'd fuel tank and fresh fuel filters. Any ideas?