View single post by noomg
 Posted: 04-28-2024 02:45 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 452

Yeah that sounds low and while as you say it runs well it's really a matter of if it's getting proper lubrication. It could be the gauge, when reconnected after rebuild if fittings aren't tight readings could be low. I've had that happen before to the point where I installed a temporary gauge which read good, so yes it could be the gauge.

Since it sounds like you're considering this car for purchase so you really need to get some history from the seller. Was it reading like this before the rebuild? Since the rebuild was recent there should be paperwork you can examine to determine the quality of the rebuild. Another big tell for me is how forthcoming the seller is. Is he vague or evasive or willing to answer this question to the best of his ability. And of course there's the asking price, you don't pay a premium price for a car with questions.