View single post by noomg
 Posted: 02-24-2023 05:09 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 465

I'd go with the Bruce option, you're getting the exact part and they don't fail very often. If you're going for a new part I'd avoid the one shown in your picture. Rimmers lists it as "aftermarket" which in my experience usually means "made in China". The Rover part looks like it may be the closest if not the same it looks like it's got a two cut key which can only be inserted one way but I can't tell from the picture if it's got the push button.


Do you know if the original J/H keys came with the black plastic handles. That's what my TR7 originally came with.

Just a thought, this thread was started by Ed who posted exactly one time on this board 13 years ago. I wonder if he ever solved his problem or for that matter still has the car.