View single post by redracer
 Posted: 09-01-2022 09:08 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 655
Hey gang; some time ago I had purchased a pack of 10 HBC bearings for the belt tensioner. I had 3 "ready-to-go" and when I went to pick one, I rotated the tensioner in my hand. Well, I was getting a "notching" feel when rotating it. So I picked up one of the others and it was even worse! Upon examining the make of these bearings, I saw they are HBC, and made in CHINA(now there's something to inspire confidence!).
Needless to say, I removed all the bearings from the "rebuilt" tensioners, threw them in the garbage, and installed SKF.
This is one place you DO NOT WANT TO SCRIMP ON, so pay a little more for SKF, Timken, NTN, or whatever REPUTABLE bearing manufacturer.
keep 'em on the road, bruce